I Charles Stanley Williams knew Albert attended Stanton and Randall Highlands Elementary Schools. He…

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I Charles Stanley Williams knew Albert attended Stanton and Randall Highlands Elementary Schools. He rode his bicycle to school, which was about 3 miles each way. He also worked on the farm and drove the old Model T Ford my Dad had converted into a flat bed truck. I also feel he saved my life when I was a small child and got swept away in the creek after a flood. I was being swept down-stream and he ran down the outer banks and jumped in and snatched me out of the water. That is an ordeal I will never forget. Albert had a friend that every one called Goopy Leach, that lived down toward Twining City (Minnesota Ave. & Pennsylvania Ave. S.E.) . They went into the Army together. Albert was stationed in NY, El Paso Texas, Ft. Bliss, and Fayetteville N.C., Ft. Bragg. Albert saw combat in the Pacific Theater of Operations during World War II. He saw action in New Guinea and the Philippine Islands. He said to me he had killed many Japs, some in hand-to-hand combat. In the Philippines the Japs were dug into the hill and the only way they could get them out was to pour 55-gallon drums of gasoline into the holes and ignite them. I think Albert was in an Artillery outfit. When he returned from overseas after the war, he went to North Carolina to meet wife, Mary, and child Mary Lee, and brought them to Washington D.C. where they made their home. When they arrived in Washington, every one was in bed and he crawled through the window to unlock the front door. He went upstairs to awaken everyone to let him know they were home. I also think between drinking and the experience of the war changed his life. He was never the same after World War II.

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