Robert Lawrence II, 16391720 (aged 81 years)

Robert /Lawrence/ II
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
1643 (aged 4 years)
Virginia, USA
Latitude: 38.066669 Longitude: -78.583344
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
about 1644 (aged 5 years)
Birth of a brother
about 1645 (aged 6 years)
about 1660 (aged 21 years)
Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
Latitude: 36.907043 Longitude: -76.711197
Death of a mother
Death of a mother
Birth of a son
about 1662 (aged 23 years)
Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
Latitude: 36.907043 Longitude: -76.711197
Birth of a daughter
about 1664 (aged 25 years)
Birth of a child
about 1666 (aged 27 years)
Burial of a paternal grandmother
Death of a paternal grandmother
March 1675 (aged 36 years)
Death of a father
October 19, 1682 (aged 43 years)
Virginia, USA
Latitude: 38.066669 Longitude: -78.583344
Death of a father
Death of a brother
Death of a brother
between 1696 and 1700 (aged 61 years)
Marriage of a son
1719 (aged 80 years)
Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
Latitude: 36.907043 Longitude: -76.711197
before January 23, 1720 (aged 81 years)
Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
Latitude: 36.907043 Longitude: -76.711197
Family with parents
Birth: about 1617 28 Chelsea, Middlesex, England
Death: after October 19, 1682Nansemond, Virginia, USA
Birth: about 1615Chelsea, Middlesex, England
Death: after 1660Ware Parish, Gloucester, Virginia, USA
Marriage Marriagebefore 1638England
2 years
Birth: 1639 22 24 Lawne Creek Parish, James City, Virginia, USA
Death: before January 23, 1720Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
5 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1643 26 28 Lawne Creek Parish, James City, Virginia, USA
Death: 1696New Kent, Virginia, USA
2 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1644 27 29 Lawne Creek Parish, James City, Virginia, USA
Death: September 27, 1739Lawne Creek Parish, James City, Virginia, USA
2 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1645 28 30
Family with Joane Rogers
Birth: 1639 22 24 Lawne Creek Parish, James City, Virginia, USA
Death: before January 23, 1720Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
Marriage Marriageabout 1660Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
3 years
Birth: about 1662 23 23 Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
3 years
3 years
Birth: about 1666 27 27
Shared note

Robert's birth date is based on an affidavit he made in 1708. "Robert Lawrence of Nansimond County aged about sixty nine years Examined and sworne saith. That abouth forty seven years ago this Deponent seated a plantation on the south west side of Chowan River abuth three or four miles aboth the mouht of Morattock where he lived about seven years, by which means he had often occassion of passing and repassing the Chowan, in which he often took notice and still very well knows a large creek on the said South west side of Chowan commonly called and known both by the English and Indians by the name of Weyanoke Creeke which creek issueth into Chowan abouth twenty miles above Morattuck River mouth and accortind to the best of his Deponents judgement abouth twenty miles below the mouth of Maherine River and this Deponent further saith that he never heard either the Blackwater Nottaway or Maherine River or any other River or Creek but that above mentioned called by the name of Weyanoke Creek. Signed: Robert R. Lawrence Sworn and addressed as the former."3