William R. Harmon, 1867

William R. /Harmon/
1867 16
Birth of a brother
1868 (aged 1 year)
Birth of a brother
1870 (aged 3 years)
Birth of a sister
December 12, 1871 (aged 4 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a sister
1875 (aged 8 years)
Birth of a brother
1877 (aged 10 years)
Birth of a brother
1879 (aged 12 years)
Death of a sister
May 15, 1938 (aged 71 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Burial of a sister
Family with parents
younger sister
Birth: December 12, 1871 20 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: May 15, 1938Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
-3 years
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
6 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother