Moses Williams, 17581830 (aged 72 years)

Moses /Williams/
1758 38 33
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a brother
1760 (aged 2 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Death of a father
1764 (aged 6 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
October 1786 (aged 28 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a daughter
1788 (aged 30 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Death of a brother
1789 (aged 31 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Death of a mother
1789 (aged 31 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a son
1789 (aged 31 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a son
1792 (aged 34 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Death of a brother
1795 (aged 37 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a daughter
1796 (aged 38 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Death of a brother
1797 (aged 39 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a daughter
1799 (aged 41 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Marriage of a daughter
1813 (aged 55 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a granddaughter
1814 (aged 56 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a grandson
1814 (aged 56 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a grandson
1816 (aged 58 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Death of a brother
1817 (aged 59 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a grandson
1820 (aged 62 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a granddaughter
1822 (aged 64 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Marriage of a son
between 1819 and 1825 (aged 67 years)
Death of a wife
1820 (aged 62 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a grandson
1827 (aged 69 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Death of a daughter
1828 (aged 70 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a granddaughter
1830 (0 after death)
1830 (aged 72 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Family with parents
Birth: 1720
Death: 1764Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Birth: 1725
Death: 1789Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Marriage Marriageabout 1744Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
3 years
elder brother
Birth: 1746 26 21 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1797Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
4 years
elder brother
Birth: 1749 29 24 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1789Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
4 years
elder brother
Birth: 1752 32 27 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1795Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
4 years
elder sister
Birth: 1755 35 30 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
4 years
Birth: 1758 38 33 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1830Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 1760 40 35 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1817Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Family with Elizabeth Hardy
Birth: 1758 38 33 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1830Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Birth: March 25, 1757 28 24 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1820Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Marriage MarriageOctober 1786Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
2 years
Birth: 1788 30 30 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1828Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
2 years
Birth: 1789 31 31 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1845Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
4 years
Birth: 1792 34 34 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1843Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
5 years
Birth: 1796 38 38 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
4 years
Birth: 1799 41 41 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Shared note

Mary is named as sharing in the land division of the property of Samuel Williams Sr. in 1789. Mother Mary was living in 1789