Hester Bazemore, 1818

Hester /Bazemore/
Birth of a son
March 15, 1850 (aged 32 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Source: Headstone
Death of a father
Birth of a grandson
1874 (aged 56 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
1877 (aged 59 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
October 1878 (aged 60 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a granddaughter
Death of a son
March 9, 1925 (aged 107 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Source: Headstone