Jesse Lassiter, 17321784 (aged 52 years)

Jesse /Lassiter/
1732 34 34
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Death of a paternal grandfather
February 1746 (aged 14 years)
Edgecombe, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 35.913967 Longitude: -77.59642
March 10, 1754 (aged 22 years)
Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.419491 Longitude: -77.397545
Birth of a son
1759 (aged 27 years)
Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.419491 Longitude: -77.397545
Birth of a grandson
about 1780 (aged 48 years)
Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.419491 Longitude: -77.397545
Birth of a grandson
1780 (aged 48 years)
Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.419491 Longitude: -77.397545
Source: OneWorldTree
Citation details: Database online.

Record for Bryant Lassiter

Birth of a granddaughter
about 1781 (aged 49 years)
Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.419491 Longitude: -77.397545
Birth of a granddaughter
about 1782 (aged 50 years)
Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.419491 Longitude: -77.397545
Birth of a granddaughter
about 1784 (0 after death)
Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.419491 Longitude: -77.397545
March 10, 1784 (aged 52 years)
Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.419491 Longitude: -77.397545
June 1784 (aged 52 years)
Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.419491 Longitude: -77.397545
Family with parents
Birth: 1698 27 28 Nansemond, Virginia, USA
Birth: 1732 34 34 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: June 1784Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Family with Mary Lnu
Birth: 1732 34 34 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: June 1784Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Birth: about 1734Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Marriage MarriageMarch 10, 1754Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
6 years
Birth: 1759 27 25 Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Death: December 1822Northampton County, North Carolina, USA
Shared note

Northampton County, North Carolina Will Book 1, page 330: Abstract of Jesse Lassiter's will dated 13 Mar 1784 recorded Jun 1784. Wife, Mary; daus Tabitha Rogers wife of Abraham Rogers, Lucrecia Blanchard, Martha, Mary, Farby, Ann Winefred, Vinnia: sons James, Jesse, Joseph (and I had Edwin Bridger, a negro called Bridges), Willie and Aaron. Jesse William and James Vinson Exrs. Wr: Winnefred Brown, Henry Vinson and James Vinson Jr.