Coye Hoggard, 19051991 (aged 85 years)

Coye /Hoggard/
August 22, 1905 27 25
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Birth of a sister
April 7, 1911 (aged 5 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Citation details: Database online. Colerain, Bertie, North Carolina, ED , roll , page , image 655.

Record for John Henry Hoggard

Death of a paternal grandmother
Death of a maternal grandmother
July 14, 1924 (aged 18 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Death of a maternal grandfather
May 21, 1928 (aged 22 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Source: OneWorldTree
Citation details: Database online.

Record for William Jackson Hoggard

Citation details: Database online.

Record for William J Hoggard

Burial of a maternal grandfather
Marriage of a sister
January 17, 1935 (aged 29 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Death of a father
September 21, 1940 (aged 35 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Citation details: Database online.

Record for John H Hoggard

Burial of a father
Death of a mother
May 6, 1963 (aged 57 years)
Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.059074 Longitude: -76.963013
Burial of a mother
Death of a brother
October 6, 1983 (aged 78 years)
Edenton, Chowan, North Carolina, USA
Latitude: 36.057934 Longitude: -76.607719
Citation details: Database online.

Record for Jessie Jenkins Hoggard

Citation details: Database online.

Record for Jessie Hoggard

Death of a brother
Family with parents
Birth: August 7, 1878 47 41 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: September 21, 1940Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Birth: July 24, 1880 25 24 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: May 6, 1963Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Marriage MarriageFebruary 24, 1902Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Marriage MarriageMarried by John T. Hoggard, JP at the home of William J. Hoggard
17 months
elder brother
Birth: July 31, 1903 24 23 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: October 6, 1983Edenton, Chowan, North Carolina, USA
2 years
Birth: August 22, 1905 27 25 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: February 28, 1991Chesapeake, VA
6 years
younger sister
Birth: April 7, 1911 32 30 Bertie County, North Carolina, USA
Death: March 14, 2004Williamston Rehabilitation Center, Martin Co., NC